Monday, February 27, 2012

Urban Air-Southlake Texas

Dustin-Backflipping off the side wall.
 Ariel jumping....
Bobby doing his acrobatic stunt! No, he didn't hurt himself. He tucked and rolled, but this does look dangerous! 

and last...Drew doing is flips....many of them!
This was a wonderful place to be! The kids (and adults) spent 3 hours jumping with many trampolines and foam pits!

Ariel would like to take her friends there for her next birthday party! We shall see!

Monster Jam-Cowboy Stadium-Feb. 25th, 2012

 Ariel sitting on Bobby's quad during the 4 hour pit party! Believe me, if I could have found a seat, I sure would have been sitting also.

She has alot of fun with the drivers of the Monster Trucks. Here is one of her favorite's, Marc McDonald driving El Toro Loco.
He got robbed Saturday night during racing. He should have been crowned the winner, but when Diggers in the house...well, that's what you get. It was a tie in my viewing, but they gave it to Grave Digger.
In this photo, the quad riders take time to pose for this photo with a friends son, who is battling Batten's diesese. Very sad situation for this family. You can follow Casen's Crusade on Facebook for more info.

NEW Chenille burp cloths.....

Girly burp cloths

Boy burp cloths
Here are some of the new burp cloths I've made adding chenille to the backs of them.

Ariel's chick-a-dee tee for Easter!

Friday, February 17, 2012

UIL for Oral Reading

 We just received her UIL ribbon from the UIL meet in December.

She placed 6th overall in the Oral reading, which was a poetry

I think that is excellent. It was like 40 some kids she went against. She was the only one from her school in 4th grade to place.
Makes me a happy Mom.

This the the 4th grades that placed.

Sunday Feb. 12th, 2012

So, when the cat falls asleep on her bed, she JOINS him for a nap...

A little cold for the toesie's?

So,Saturday, Ariel and her friend Anna wanted to jump on the trampoline.
It was cold on Saturday, but  they kept begging to go out.

I gave in. This is what happened when they came inside.
Frozen toesies!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Father Daughter Dance Feb. 10th, 2012


Ariel was ready when he got home from work. She was excited to go!

She had a good time and he didn't complain too much!

Ariel at the entrance of the Dance.
Some of her friends that were there when she arrived. Ariel, Grace Whitten (green dress in front), Emily Walden (hot pink dress), Abby Mason (stretching up over the back) and Baylee Craig  (silver dress).

Valentine Party at school-Friday Feb. 10th, 2012

Here are her goodies from Mom and Dad! Kids love to get things sent to the school!

And yes, it's candy. What else do you get them for Valentine's day?
Some of her classmates after they have enjoyed their cupcakes, cookies, chips and dip.

Natalie Howard, Ariel, Preslee Hunter and Mady Antone.

....and here are her Valentine cards she got in class.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Valentine's picture....2-8-2012

Since they are having their Valentine's party at school on Friday, Feb. 10th, we thought we better get some pictures for her Valentine cards. So, on this nice cool day outside, it didn't take us long to get these pictures made..

Isn't she just beautiful!

Scrapbooking Feb. 4th, 2012

Scrapbooking 101
Ariel received a scrapbooking kit for her birthday and so I told her we'd sit down and scrapbook her birthday pictures from both party's, so here she is (still in uniform from her games) cutting out some paper!
I think her attention span is low, so she didn't sit much and work! Mommy ended up "designing" most of the pages, but hey, we aren't done yet!

Homemade Laundry detergent!

Yes, I know it sounds crazy, but I found this on pintrest and had to try my hand at it. Literally, my hands were tired after grating the "pink" soap that goes in this.
Ariel got it started and we took turns grating it.
It was actually kinda fun making it.

You can see the pink soap in the mixture. It smells pretty good also. I have no complaints, but when Bobby opened the cabinet door, he asked "what the heck is this"?
Not that he does that much of the laundry, but my machine was on the blink and when he got it fixed, we had 3 days worth of dirty clothes to catch up on, and his work clothes were first, so that's why he started the laundry....LOL

Friday, February 3, 2012

Her Birthday cake! jan 25th, 2012

These are the colors she wanted, but in the picture they just don't look good together, but they did. 
Birthday cards

She loves cats! I found her these old cats at Canton last time we went and saved them for her birthday. She received lots of cool things for her birthday. Itunes gift card, movie passes, clothes, money,  label maker & angry birds poster .
I think she approves of the cats!

This was funny. She made this sign so EVERYONE would know where to put her gifts! LOL
We almost forgot about her birthday glasses. Every girl needs a pair!