Okay, so yesterday I decided to bake a turkey breast. Part of the healthy eating I've been doing for 20 something days...anyway, turkey in....finished lunch...was working on the computer and then I heard this awful noise...sounded electrical, but I didn't know. So, I make a MAD dash to the kitchen...stumped my toe, slid on the floor and fell....NO...not that part, but did go running to the kitchen to find smoke coming through the burners on top of the stove....saw the timer on the stove was off and thinking...what the heck! Opened the oven door and smoke filled the room...Me: scared as everthing (b/c of all the grass fires around), called the hubby...Told him what happened and he came home. It seems as if the element in the oven exploded, causing at arc of electricity to run about through the oven...So, that was the awful noise I heard. It threw the breaker, which was a great thing. Guess that puts a stop to a fire happening. SO glad there wasn't a fire. Anyway, here's the inside of my stove. It was yellowish looking..and the turkey had the same look...NOT LOL either.
So, we hauled it off and off to Sears to make a purchase. And here it is. Nice, huh!